
OmniHout BV delivers boxes in multiple sizes and versions for the purpose of storing agricultural products. We produce open boxes, closed boxes and seed boxes.

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Open batten box

The open batten box is the most common box in the agriculture. The box is constructed of pinewood beams. There is a space between the battens on the sides. This makes pallet ventialtion, lengthwise ventilation and room ventilation possible. To ensure stability four beams are placed which prevent the box from bending.




Closed batten box

The front and backside of closed batten boxes are made of pinewood battens. The sides are made of plywood. The pinewood batten can easily be placed against each other or equipped with tongue and groove. Advantage of these boxes is that the front- and backside are less bendable in comparison with the plywood version.



Seed boxes

A mesh in the bottom of the box makes ventilation possible and prevents the seeds from falling through the box. Seed storage boxes are often made in 1-layer versions. Therefore an opening has to be built in at the sides to let the air escape. Besides that measuring equipment can be hung in the box through this opening.




To close the ventialtionboxes in the palletopening, closing plastics are used. Omnihout sells all size closing plastics used in our branche.



Potting soil boxes

These boxes are closed which makes them suitable for the storage of potting soil. The boxes are made of filmfaced plywood and are easy to transport.  






Box repair

For the frequently used box sizes we have parts in stock. This makes it possible to pick up parts for the purpose of reparing boxes without making an appointment. However we recommend to contact us in advance. If it turns out that the requested parts are out of stock, we can deliver them within two days.

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