Drying and storing techniques

There are several options for drying and storing agricultural products in an efficient way. The different methods are described below.

Drying techniques:


Pallet Ventilation

This method is suitable for:

– drying the product

– storing the product

The boxes are placed in rows in front of the system with the opening of the pallet connecting to the air outlet. The last pallets of each row has to be closed with a block. The pallets contain a closed bottom. In this way the air is forced upwards through the boxes. The air can escape via gaps on the sides of the boxes.

This system is available in both fixed and mobile versions.

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Lengthwise Ventilation

This method is suitable for:

– drying the product

– storing the product

The boxes are placed in two rows in front of each air outlet. There are two types of lengthwise ventilation: the blow system and the suction system. In both cases the top and the backside of the rows are closed. In this way the air will be forced through the boxes. Therefore it is necessary to use standard open boxes. An advantage of this system is a big storage capacity.

This system is available in both fixed and mobile versions. Especially the suction system is suitable as a mobile version.

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Often our customers ask for a combiwall. These walls contain multiple ventilation options. This makes an optimal use of the room possible. The next combinations are possible with a combiwall:

– bulkstorage and lengthwise ventilation

– bulkstorage and pallet ventilation

– lengthwise ventilation and pallet ventilation


Storing techniques:


Room Ventilation

This method is suitable for:

– storing the product

A room ventilation system creates an artificial airflow through the room. It is necessary to use standard open boxes. The air outlet is situated at the top of the system. The air is blown over the boxes to the other side of the room. As a result of the air suction from the bottom of the system, the air circulation takes place through the boxes. An advantage of this system is a high storage capacity. The boxes can be stacked up to a height of 7,5 meters. Besides that the installation costs are low.

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Bulk Ventilation

This method is suitable for:

– storing the product

The product is bulked against a pressure wall. The product can be piled up to a height of three to five meters. Ventilation takes place via air tubes. With this system the room can be used efficiently because no boxes are used. A disadvantage is that the product can get damaged easier compared to ventilation in boxes.




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